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Logótipo Sabores do Vez


Sabores do Vez


Rebranding Sabores do Vez

Áreas Envolvidas:

Marketing | Design Gráfico

[Bëhance Presentation]

Sabores do Vez

Client: Sabores do Vez

Project: Rebranding Sabores do Vez


To develop a new identity that would provide distinction and identification of the brand with its competitors, particularly in the regions.



In order to provide a distinct identity, and in addition to the attributes based on its regionality, an image was developed that allows its rapid identification in the existing supply set, both in the large distribution and in the proximity establishments.

Here we present the proposals of labels for the products, which would give a distinction, also in terms of the characteristics of the offer of the brand.


Involved areas:

Marketing | Graphic design

[Bëhance Presentation]

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