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Logótipo Caroço


Restaurante | Tapas | Bar - Caroço



Criação e desenvolvimento de identidade e suporte


Áreas envolvidas:

Marketing | Design | Produção gráfica | Vídeo | Webdesign 

[Bëhance Presentation]

Restaurante | Tapas | Bar - Caroço


Client: Restaurante | Tapas | Bar - Caroço

Project: Criação e desenvolvimento de identidade e suportes


Development of identity and different supports for the operation of the restaurant / bar space.

It was asked to idealize and carry out the entire identity of the new establishment.

The space to be installed in a centennial building in terms of history and recognition in the place.

The decoration was developed by the partner Daniela Almeida - Interior Design.


The creative concept was based on the history of the place. In this space there was an inn where it is said that the Portuguese writer Camilo Castelo Branco habitually spent the night in his seasons in this place.

In this way, it was sought to respect its history and notoriety, bringing it closer to its new activity and objectives, maintaining its identity and local recognition.

Involved areas:

Marketing | Design | Graphic production | Video | Webdesign

[Bëhance Presentation]

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