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What to Do with Positioning: A Complete Guide for Companies of All Sizes

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Brand positioning is more than just a buzzword in the marketing world. It is the compass that guides a company to its destination in the market, defining its identity and differentiating it from the competition.

But what exactly do you do with positioning?

In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the mysteries behind brand positioning, explore its benefits, how to apply it to companies of all sizes and how Comunicadores & Associados can help you achieve success with this strategy.

What is Brand Positioning?

In short, brand positioning is the place a company occupies in the minds of consumers. It is the promise made to your target audience, highlighting the values, benefits and unique attributes that set your brand apart.

Why is positioning so important?

  • Differentiation: In an increasingly competitive market, positioning is essential to stand out from the competition.

  • Relevance: Knowing your target audience and their desires allows you to create a message that is relevant and attractive.

  • Loyalty: Well-defined positioning creates an emotional connection with the consumer, increasing brand loyalty.

  • Results: Studies show that well-positioned brands have a higher growth rate and are more resilient in times of crisis.

consumidor a passar junto a uma loja

The Benefits of Brand Positioning

Successful brand positioning can bring a number of benefits to your company, such as:

  • Increased visibility: Your brand will be more easily recognized and remembered by consumers.

  • Increased credibility: Consistent positioning reinforces consumers’ trust in your brand.

  • Improved reputation: By communicating your values ​​and mission, you will build a positive reputation.

  • Increased sales: Clear and attractive positioning boosts sales and profitability.

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How to Apply Brand Positioning to Your Company

Applying brand positioning involves a strategic process that includes the following steps:

  1. Analysis of the market and the competition: Understand your market well, identify your main competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Defining the target audience: Get to know your ideal customer in depth, their consumption habits, their values ​​and their needs.

  3. Developing the value proposition: Create a unique and compelling value proposition that differentiates your brand from the competition.

  4. Creating the visual identity: Develop a visual identity that reflects your brand’s personality and is memorable.

  5. Consistent communication: Use the same language, the same values ​​and the same visual identity at all points of contact with the consumer.

Brand Positioning for Small and Large Companies

Brand positioning is essential for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses can use positioning to stand out in a local market and build customer loyalty. Large companies can use positioning to strengthen their global brand and increase their market share.

Techniques for Effective Brand Positioning

storytelling e porque importa

There are several techniques that can be used for effective brand positioning, such as:

  • Storytelling: Create a story that connects your brand with the values ​​and aspirations of your target audience.

  • Celebrity endorsement: Use the image of an influencer or celebrity to strengthen visibility and trust in your brand.

  • Event sponsorship: Associate your brand with events relevant to your target audience.

  • Content marketing: Create quality content that informs and entertains your audience, positioning your brand as an authority on the subject.

  • Digital marketing: Use digital marketing tools to reach your target audience in a targeted and personalized way.

How Comunicadores & Associados Can Help You

Comunicadores e Associados is an agency specialized in branding, marketing and communication. We can help you:

  • Define your brand positioning: Through research and analysis, we will identify the ideal positioning for your company.

  • Develop the visual identity: We will create a visual identity that conveys the essence of the brand.

  • Implement a communication strategy: We will develop an integrated communication strategy for all the brand's channels and where your target customers are.

  • Monitor the results: We monitor the results of the actions and make the necessary adjustments to ensure the brand's success with the target customers.

Comunicadores & Associados provides brand strategy and communication services, which, when used in an organized and coherent manner, contribute to the development of the brand's positioning. These services include:

  • Branding

  • Communication

  • Design

  • Consulting

  • Marketing

  • Press Office

  • Image and sound

  • Digital presence (digital marketing)


Brand positioning is a powerful tool for the success of any company. By defining your identity, communicating your values ​​and connecting with your target audience, you will be taking an important step towards building a strong and lasting brand.

Comunicadores e Associados is ready to help you on this path. Contact us and find out how we can transform your brand into a success.

With this complete guide, you will have all the information you need to understand the importance of brand positioning and how to apply it in your business.

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