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One of the things we love most about connecting people and products is the stories we can tell. The stories of how our customers' customers approach and fall in love, because these products and brands become part of them.

Here's a selection of stories from what customers tell us about what we've created.

Linha gráfica Exertus
Logotipo ExertusNetwork

"Comunicadores & Associados found and developed the solutions and supports (in design and production) that reflected the positioning and spirit of our brand, with quality and in the timings we need, in the various solutions in which we challenge them."

Alexandre Vilaça
Business Partner na B.PLY.

Exertus Diptico Capa
Torre dos Clérigos. Image by Isabella Mann Machado
Corpus Christi tirar fotografia
Logotipo Irmandade dos Clérigos

Creativity and advice, relationship with the client, are synonymous with the quality of the final work that we received in the creation of the 360º virtual tour of the Clérigos Tower and Museum.

António Tavares
Museu dos Clérigo

"Commitment, rigor, attention to detail, creativity, friendliness, versatility and flexibility are just some of the words that best describe the attitude of the excellent professionals at Comunicadores & Associados.

The work carried out reflected all this commitment, professionalism and permanent active listening regarding our requirements!

A reference company!".

Vestas Porto
Executive Assistant.

Vestas Video Wellcome
Cadeiras Nautilus
Logotipo Nautilus

"In times of a pandemic, it was essential to bet on good content to compensate for the absence of fairs and other face-to-face events.

The production of short product videos, as well as a video of the NAUTILUS Showroom, was part of the company's digital content strategy.

Comunicadores e Associados is an Agency attentive to every detail and with great experience in video production, so the final result could only be excellent."

Carla Afonso
Marketing Director

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Comunicadores & Associados no Bëhance


Comunicação Empresarial e Branding

Centro Empresarial Lionesa, Leça do Balio

Porto, Portugal

+ 351 929 075 128

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